Sunday, January 8, 2012

3in30- January- Week 1 update

This week has been a pretty good week.  I can't believe that we are done with the first week of January!!!  If you would like to see my 3 goals for this month you can go here to check them out.

1.Meal planning went pretty well this week.  We didn't get off to a great start since on Monday my husband wasn't very hungary so I didn't cook that night, but I was able to push everything back one day. I didn't get the ham and cheese wraps made this week, but I am going to make them next week. That is the nice thing about only planning 5 days so that there is a little give to the schedule.

     1a. Meal Planning week 2- Make a 5 day menu.  Start using up things in my pantry.  We are going to try and get rid of as many processed foods as we can over the course of this year.  I found a great blog that is going help with that.  You can click here or the button on the right to check it out for yourself.  Thanks Momma Kristi!!!

2.  I got on the elliptical everyday except Wednesday and Friday night.  I have worked up to staying on it for 20 minutes already.  I am feeling pretty good about that.

     2a. Elliptical week 2- To work my way to staying on for 25 minutes this week.

3. 31DBBS- This has been going well.  I love that the daily reading is short, sweet, and to the point.  It has helped me to be more intentional with my pray time over all.   I have been reading James 1 every day this week and that has gone well.  Some things have really been pointed out to me in this chapter.  I am learning that I need to rely more on God than I do.  I think we get so used to doing the day to day things that we think we are bothering him with them if things get off track.  I am learning that He wants to be bothered even with the smallest of details.  He is there, always.  Hello mornings start on the 16th and I am looking forward to this.

     3a- 31 DBBS and James- Continue with 31 DBBS and read James 2 every day this week.

How is your week going?
If you would like to join the 3in30 challange it is never to late.  Just click the button on the right side   and it will take you there.
See ya'll on the other side!!!
Have a great week.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Menu Plan Monday- 1/9/2012

So, I was blog hopping the other day and I came upon Get Real 2012.  I have been thinking about trying to decrease the amount of processed foods we eat for awhile now (I will write more about my family's decision to do this in another post). I just didn't know where to start... until I found this blog.  This month's challenge is to go through your pantry and to use up or donate what you have and not replace it.  That is what I am starting this week.  So, bear with me as what we are eating may or may not very healthy at all.  

Monday- Spam and Mac n Cheese  (yes, I know totally unhealthy, but it is in the pantry and I want to use it up.)
                  Change of plans.  I was going to make Corn and Cheese Chowder on Sunday.  I looked at the recipe and realised that I didn't have enough Half and Half.  I was going to go to Braums and get some and then the in-laws called and were in town so we met and had supper.  Anyways, short story long, Corn and Cheese Chowder today.
      Make spread for wraps.

Tuesday- Ham and Cheese Wraps
                Carrots and ranch dressing

Wednesday- Pasta Salad

Thursday- Kids eating out with Granny so whatever you can find

Friday- Out of Town
Saturday- Out of Town

Sunday- Chicken Fried Rice

What is your menu plan for the week?
See ya'll on the other side!!!
Have a great week!!!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Menu Plan Monday- 1/2/2012

One of my goals this month is to plan my menus and to stick to them.  I found Menu Plan Monday on and I am going to link up with them and make this work.
So here goes nothin'...

Ham Steak
Garlic Knots

Garlic Toast

Ham & Cheese Wraps
Baby Carrots and Ranch dip


Dinner with Friends

California Pepper Casserole

Corn & Cheese Chowder (My new recipe for the week.)
French Bread Bowls

Now to make my grocery list and go to the store.
See ya'll on the other side!!!
Have a great week.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

3 in 30 Challange- January

I have had great intentions about starting a blog and well, you can see how far I have gotten.  My first and only post was in June, 2011. 

I came across the 3 in 30 challange and began reading about it.  I thought it was something I could do better than making New Year's Resolutions that I know I am not very good at keeping.  I also thought that this is a good way to get me blogging more.  I have so many things I want to do, but I know if I try to takle them all at the same time I will become overwhelmed and just quit them all.  I love how this breaks things down by month and that you pick three things to work on.

My 3 goals for the month of January are as follows:

1. Meal planning- I am great about making a menu, but not so great about sticking to it.  We have karate two to three nights a week and on the nights my husband goes he doesn't like to eat prior to class, so I need to find recipes that I can make and keep in the crockpot to stay warm until he comes home.

     Week 1- Make a menu for 5 days.

2. Exercise- I have gotten out of the habit of exercising regularly.  I got an eliptical for Christmas and my goal for January is to be able to stay on the eliptical for 30 minutes by the end of the month.

     Week 1- Use eliptical for 10-15 minutes a day.

3. I am starting 31 Days to Build a Better Spouse today and on the 16th I am starting Hello Mornings. I so want to have a regular meeting time with My Lord, but I am just lazy about it.  I used to get up earlier, but have gotten lax since my daughter is good about sleeping in.

     Week 1- Read the daily pages in 31DBBS book, pray, and read at least one chapter in my bible daily, starting in the book of James.